Upcoming Workshop: Spring Cleaning Naturally with Essential Oils
These days, more and more of us are using essential oils on and in our bodies -- aromatically, topically, and/or internally -- to help promote health and wellness. But essential oils can also be used to help clean our homes, freeing us from the toxic chemicals found in most commercial cleaning products -- and further supporting our health and wellness.
"Simply switching from chemical cleaners to all-natural ones can make such a difference in your health. Surrounding yourself with chemicals in every part of your home can take a lot of your immune system's attention, as it constantly has to work to reduce any reactions that might develop. Replacing those chemicals with natural essential oil cleaners can free up your body's attention to deal with other potential issues. This can increase your vitality and help you feel healthier." (from The Heart of Aromatherapy: An Easy-to-Use Guide for Essential Oils by Andrea Butje, p.237)
If you're curious to learn which are the best essential oils to use for cleaning your home – as well how to use them – consider joining me for a hands-on, make-and-take workshop, held at The Yoga Effect in Grayslake!
We will start the workshop with a general introduction to essential oils, followed by a discussion of some of the best essential oils to use for cleaning purposes. Following our discussion, you will be provided the essential oils and other materials needed, and guided in the making of several household cleaning products, to be taken home after the workshop for personal use. Additional ideas, resources, recipes and instructions will also be provided for those wishing to explore additional ways to spring clean with essential oils.
Date: Saturday, April 8
Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Cost: $30.00
(Preregistration is required; Limited to 15 participants)
Location: The Yoga Effect, 170 Center Street, Grayslake, IL
To preregister, visit The Yoga Effect's website (www.theyogaeffect.net).