Floral Diffuser Blends for Springtime
Six months ago, I wrote a blog post sharing my favorite autumn diffuser blends. As spring seems a bit hesitant to join us this year, I thought that a blog post sharing some floral diffuser blends might help us feel more like spring has actually sprung at last!
As with the autumn diffusers blends, none of these spring blends are original to me – although they may not appear here exactly as I found them. With any recipe, my tendency is to try it as it has been written the first time – and then to tweak it the next time or two to suit my own preference. That’s one of the nice things about diffuser blends. They are so easy to adjust to suit your own preference – and/or to suit the essential oils you happen to have on hand!
So, enjoy bringing a breath of spring into your home, while we patiently(?) wait for spring to burst forth in all its fresh and floral glory!
Bring on Spring
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Grapefruit
2 drops Geranium
Fresh Blooms
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Jasmine
3 drops Ylang Ylang
Spring Bouquet
2 drops Lavender
1 drops Geranium
2 drops Ylang ylang
2 drops Tangerine
2 drops Spearmint
2 drops Lemongrass
Joy of Spring
1 drops Geranium
2 drops Lavender
3 drops Lime
Pretty Petals
2 drops Clary Sage
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Roman Chamomile
Spring Bliss
1 drops Geranium
3 drops Orange
4 drops Lavender
Touch of Springtime
2 drops Jasmine
2 drops Orange
2 drops Tangerine
Happy Spring – and Happy Spring Diffusing!